What is the key difference between SwissBake® Type 65, SwissBake® Dark Harvest Type 80 and SwissBake® Type 150 Flours?

SwissBake® T65 Flour is a course wheat flour suitable for artisan crusty breads. SwissBake® T80 Flour is a medium granulation whole wheat flour shifted to 80 ash content and added wheat malt for darker rustic artisan breads. SwissBake® T150 Flour is a whole meal wheat flour with medium granulation suitable for whole wheat styled crusty breads.

Can SwissBake® Dark Harvest Type 80 Flour be used besides baking bread, such as pastries or cakes?

SwissBake® Dark Harvest Type 80 Flour is special bread flour and is not recommended for pastries or cakes.

How does the baking performance of this flour compare to regular flours?

SwissBake® Type 80 is a specially engineered flour for reliable and consistent product of rustic artisan breads. It gives a stable and dependable output during every application.

What is the specific protein content of this flour?

The optimum protein content of SwissBake® Dark Harvest Type 80 flour is 12.5%